3Gs factory-trained service technicians are committed to keeping your packaging equipment up and running. They regularly attend manufacturer training programs to stay current on the latest packaging technology.
When you place a service call, we’ll get back to you within one hour to assess the problem and attempt a phone fix. If that’s not possible, we’ll tell you how quickly we can be on site, we’ll bring the necessary parts and do everything we can to fix the problem.
We stock packaging equipment parts and do installations and rebuilds. We can also train your staff on the proper setup, use and maintenance of all your packaging equipment.
Packaging Equipment Parts & Service Team On-Call for Your Business
We are your source for packaging equipment and supplies
For more information about our packaging equipment maintenance, parts and service program, check out:
For After-Hours Service Calls: 905-361-4929 ext. 210
To Order Parts: 905-361-4929, Press 1 for Customer Service
We're here to help
Preventive Maintenance to control long-term costs
Regular preventive maintenance on your packaging equipment is the best way to keep your equipment up and running to maintain your production schedules. 3G’s preventive maintenance program identifies and corrects potential problems before they occur to reduce the risk of disruptive downtime and expensive repairs.
Our one-year program includes scheduled quarterly visits to inspect, clean and lubricate your equipment and perform other standard maintenance work.
Our goal is your goal: to keep your lines running optimally to meet your production deadlines.
Packaging Equipment Maintenance Benefits
Minimize Downtime
Increase Production
Lower Cost of Repairs
Improve Safety
Detect Failures
Identify Problem Areas
Identify Required Training
Restore Your Equipment
3G Packaging knows that many companies can spend a small fortune replacing equipment that would cost far less to refurbish. Equipment has physical components, which come into contact with each other causing them to gradually wear down over time. With some rework we can extend the life of your equipment, leading to a long and productive life.
We are fully equipped to provide restoration services to our customers, Canada-wide. Our packaging equipment experts will provide an assessment of your equipment, and provide you with the necessary repairs to keep you operating at peak performance.
3G Packaging offers varying degrees of refurbishment – from partial restoration, right up to a complete overhaul – bringing your equipment back to the original manufacturer’s specifications. Whatever the case may be, you can expect the highest quality work during every step of the restoration process.